5 Ways To Optimize Your Mobile App Product Videos

Mobile App Product Videos
5 Ways To Optimize Your Mobile App Product Videos

In this digital era, mobile apps have become a tool to simplify our daily life. You can effectively communicate with people overseas to buy products and daily needs through mobile apps. That’s why many companies develop mobile apps for various needs.

When mobile apps are ready to launch, companies must introduce and expose their mobile apps to the public. Thus, it is crucial for them to find the right marketing strategy to reach a wider audience. One of the most effective ways is using video marketing.

With video marketing, you will be able to increase brand awareness, gain customer trust and increase customer engagement. However, Coming up with a great video to promote your mobile apps is not enough.

 Therefore you need the right marketing strategy to optimize your mobile app product videos. These are five ways to optimize your mobile app product videos.

Five ways to optimize your mobile app product videos.

1. Identify the Platform You Will Use

The first thing you can do to optimize your mobile app product videos is to determine the platform that suits your mobile app video needs and goals. Each forum has different rules, features, and audiences.

Do a little research on each platform to see whether they have the audience you need and whether their rules fit your business goals. For example, the YouTube channel is one of the largest platforms with video-based content and includes an audience of all ages.

So, before creating a product video for your mobile apps, ensure you find the right platform that meets your business needs and goals.

2. Narrow Your Focus

Video content is famous for its ability to grab the audience’s attention quickly. Not only the appealing visuals can attract the audience’s attention, but the content in the video and the messages are crucial things that you need to consider.

You can start optimizing your mobile app’s video by narrowing your focus. It helps the audience understand your product videos easily. You can focus on conveying your product’s benefits to your audience, such as the features of your mobile app, the usage, and so on.

This can make it easier for your audience to understand and remember the essence of the message you convey in the video.

3. Keep it Short

The following way to optimize your video mobile app is to keep videos short because the length of the video can significantly impact attracting customers’ attention. When your video is too long, the audience will tend to get bored and move on to other video content.

Especially people prefer short videos nowadays. Shorter videos achieve higher engagement rates. That’s especially true for mobile video. So, ensure your mobile app product video is high-quality and lasts no longer than two minutes, and has high quality. 

4. Create Better Video Thumbnails

Creating better video thumbnails is essential in optimizing your mobile app product video. Thumbnails are like the cover of a book. They are small images that represent the content of the entire video in your product video. 

It is usually used to make viewing or managing a larger group of images or videos more accessible and faster. Thumbnails give the audience the first impression of your video. It determines the audience to click and watch your video. 

So, make sure you make exciting and eye-catching thumbnail videos to attract audiences to click your video content and watch till the end.

5. Put CTA in the Video

After creating an eye-catching thumbnail, the subsequent mobile app video optimization will put CTA in the video. CTA is also a crucial thing that you should put in your video marketing if you want them to visit your website, buy your product or services, or for any other purposes.  

CTA gives your audience ideas on what to do after watching your product videos. Thus, ensure you have clear goals to make your product videos more powerful. This strategy works effectively in increasing conversion sales and generating leads. 


Nowadays, the competition among fin-tech businesses has become fiercer. Therefore, they must find a powerful marketing strategy to win the match. A way to achieve that is by implementing mobile app product videos.

Those five ways mentioned above can help get audiences’ attention, generate leads, and increase conversion sales. You can take your business to a higher level. So it’s your time to take action to implement the five ways to optimize mobile app product videos.

Author Bio

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email: [email protected] 

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro

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