How to Make Financial Management in Small Businesses Easier in 5 Steps


Not all of us have the luxury of getting an economics degree just so we could open our own business. Even with a degree, some people struggle to properly maintain the finances of their business. With this in mind, we will talk about some of the best ways to make financial management easier for you. Let’s get right into it.

1) Organize Everything

Being on top of all of your income and expenses is vital for any prospering business. It sounds like a really obvious thing to do but in reality, it’s harder than you might think. There are always some small things that escape your grasp and those missed statistics do add up. Over time, the unreported 10$ becomes 100$, and so on. Having well-organized documents and bills increases in importance considering you also have to take into account paychecks, taxes, health benefits, etc. The best way of minimizing statistical mistakes and figuring out where your money is going is by getting a good tax accountant, and Sydney tax accountants are known for their efficient and effective work.

2) Invest in the Future of Your Business

Making a profit? Great, but don’t spend all of the spoils of war yet! A great entrepreneur will (at least early on) take the money he has earned, separate enough that they need to keep living, and invest the rest back into the business in order to make it grow. You don’t even have to spend it all on growth, you can keep some profit money as a backup for a rainy day. It will certainly make your life easier once that rainy day comes and you are thankful for the heavens that you separated some money on time.

Investing in your business will keep a constant healthy financial atmosphere and allow room for continuous prosperity. It isn’t just the product or company that you are improving, you are also improving the experience that the customers get which will directly lead to even further profits and it will show the customers that you care about them and the company.

3) Loans are a Tool You Should Use

Most people get frightened the moment they hear the word “loan”. We tend to have a negative connotation tied to that word. “If your business is doing well, you won’t have a need for loans” is how usually people perceive this situation in business. However, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Loans serve as a means of propelling your business forward. They serve as a much-needed injection of cash into your business, without which you wouldn’t be able to continue growing or operating. Waiting 5 years in order to improve the technology your firm uses is simply not an option. If you want to keep evolving, you need to take out a loan from time to time in order for your business to keep progressing. It will make your life a lot easier. The only thing you need to look out for is to not build up too many loans and then become crippled from all the accumulated interest.

4) Improve Your Supply Chain Management

Having an effective supply chain early on in your business is vital to improving desperately needed profits that will keep you financially afloat. In order to improve the efficiency of your supply chains, you need to make sure that there is always tight supervision over the entire process that allows it to go smoothly and that there will always be a response if something were to go wrong.

If you are satisfied with your supply chain management, that’s good. However, over time, once certain factors have changed and when you started growing, there will be a need to reconfigure how you oversee the supply chain. This means that you cannot treat supply chain management as a one-time thing. It needs to continuously be readjusted to best suit your current business.

5) Familiarize Yourself With Metrics and Indicators for Financial Management

Financial management becomes a lot easier once you know the proper terms to use. Here are some helpful ones:

• Net Profit Margin

Net profit margins show whether your company is able to convert sales into profits. It is best compared to other players in your industry in order to see who is the most efficient so that you can see what they are doing right.

• Working Capital Ratio

This term measures whether a company is able to pay off its short-term debt or not. If you have a ratio of 2, then you have good short-term liquidity.

• Solvency

Solvency is the capability of a company to pay off its debts in the long run, it primarily calculates operating cash flow in order to see whether the company can handle its liabilities.

• Net Sales to Working Capital

This is an efficiency ratio used to measure how a company is using its working capital to support its level of sales.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Future of Business Management then visit our Small Businesses category