8 Reasons to Become a Logistics Manager


Logistics managers are an important link in the chain between suppliers and consumers. In other words, they help get products and services to people that use them.

Logistics is a crucial component of the world economy. As globalization increases the exchange of goods and services around the globe, it falls on logistics managers to oversee the processes of getting things that people want and need from Point A to Point B.

This is a growing field and one that pays quite well. But there are many other reasons why becoming a logistics manageris a sound career choice.

Logistics is Here to Stay

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), logistician jobs are predicted to increase by 30 percent through 2030. That’s much faster than the average for all jobs. In fact, logistics is one of the fastest-growing jobs in the current economy.

With that kind of job growth, you can expect there to be many jobs in this field in the short-term and the long-term. If you’re just heading to college, you get peace of mind that logistics jobs should still be in high demand when you graduate.

You Only Need a Bachelor’s Degree

Many jobs in the field of logistics only require a bachelor’s degree. Usually, logistics managers have a degree in logistics, supply chain management, or business.

In some cases, you might even find a logistics job with only an associate’s degree. A good-paying job after just two years of college is a definite benefit.

There are Many Opportunities to Advance Your Career

While you might begin your career with just an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree, you can add to your knowledge and skills by continuing your education.

There are many graduate programs in the logistics field, and there are also many educational and professional certification programs that will give you specialized, in-demand skills.

Additionally, while you’re in school, you can pursue work experiences like internships as a means to apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to a real-world environment.

Having work experiences like this aren’t just valuable from a skill-building standpoint – you’ll also form professional relationships in the logistics industry that can help you find a job after graduation.

You Can Work in Many Different Fields

Logistics managers have the advantage of working in various fields. While industries like shipping are obvious choices for logistics management, they also work for:

  • Warehouses
  • Auto manufacturers
  • Retail distributors
  • Trucking companies

Additionally, government agencies employ logistics managers to ensure citizens get certain services, like disaster relief after a natural disaster.

You Can Work Anywhere in the World

Logistics management isn’t a career that’s exclusive to the United States. In fact, logistics managers are needed in all corners of the world to ensure products make their way to consumers in the most efficient manner.

Generally, logistics managers need to be where shipping and distribution centers are. This often means living and working near ports and major cities, as shipping, trucking, and other means of transit are based in large metropolitan areas.

You’ll Develop Transferable Skills

The skills you need for this job aren’t exclusive to working in logistics management. Instead, knowledge of things like supply chains, supply and demand, and personnel management qualify you for many other jobs.

For example, you might begin your career as a logistics manager, then as you gain experience, you might move into a position as a senior operations manager. This type of job might include a pay raise, better benefits, and would likely have greater responsibilities, too.

And, as noted above, you can work in different fields in different locations around the world. This means you can transfer your skills to a new job in a new country if you choose!

It’s an Exciting Job

Logistics management has many different moving parts. You will oversee employees, distribution channels, and work with product suppliers. You’ll also oversee importing and exporting, and manage inventories as well.

In other words, you’ll constantly work on different aspects of logistics. What’s more, different problems will arise at various points in the supply chain – problems that you’ll need to strive to solve.

While this can be a stressful job, the excitement of the work you do can make the stressful days well worth it.

You Can Make a Positive Difference

Ushering products from their origin point to the point at which consumers can buy them might not sound like a glamorous job. However, the work you do to get goods and supplies to people that need or want them helps make a positive difference.

For example, you help get birthday presents, anniversary gifts, and Christmas gifts to people on time. You might help get much-needed medicine to a sick community or speed up the process of getting food to the hungry.

At the end of the day, the work you do as a logistics manager is certainly tough but it can have a lasting impact on people, too.

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